Monday, October 11, 2010

Potatoes and Applesause

I had a really exciting homemaker moment the other day and I wanted to share it.  It is worth sharing so that I will remember it long after the moment is gone.  I bought 50 lbs. of potatoes and 2 (either 1/2 or whole... not sure which because I flunked farming class) bushels of apples.  You might be wondering the significance of this event, I realize that to most folks this would seem a little strange and unexciting but to me it was thrilling.  Here are my reasons why.

A) I strive to be a better homemaker, mom and wife.  I want to streamline the process and make life a little easier on me, since there is only one of me.  Buying these items in this quantity did this twofold.  I saved a few trips to the store for those items and I have one already prepared food ("sass") and one easy to prepare food (taters) available for quick use.

B) I amazed myself by getting that applesauce whipped up before I lost more than 2 apples.  I tend to lag around about things if they seem like a lot of work and end up wasting a percentage of what I buy because it spoils.  Not so this time!  I bought, I conquered!  Only 2 apples lost and those babies were well on their way out by the time I got them by the looks of them.

C)  I ended up making the applesauce for about .99 a qt.  I used the new Foley Food Mill that my mom sent me and it took hardly any time from start to finish.  P.S. apples smell so great when they are cooking.

D) I got to stand back and look at that little act of selfless love for my family and know that I too will get a blessing when my kids start oohing and ahhing over my "sass" and sing the "applesauce and apple fritters" song.

E) I used my husbands hard earned money wisely.

Some women do really amazing things.  I make applesauce.

Now, what to do with ALL THOSE POTATOES that I spent exactly $.16 lb. on?  Eh, well, we are Irish, right?  We will figure something out.

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